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How to choose the right IVF treatment for you?

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IVF or In-Vitro Fertilisation treatment in Kolkata has been a game changer in couples looking to build a family but cannot due to health and other factors. The basic process of IVF is where the egg is fertilised by the sperm ‘outside of the human body’ and inside a culture dish, hence called In-Vitro. The fertilised embryos are then transferred into the carrier’s body, yes.

But did you know that there are different types of IVF treatments? It is not ‘one procedure fits all’. Your treatment plan depends on many factors like your age, the health and efficacy of both the sperm and the egg, the embryo formation and the health of the uterus taking up the embryo. At our IVF treatment clinic in Kolkata, we also make sure you also consider the economical and patient comfort factors for a smooth pregnancy.

Let us take a look at the different types of IVF treatments and in which cases they are advised,

Conventional IVF

The most commonly used procedure. This is what IVF is basically. The healthy egg and sperm are retrieved from the female and male parents and the egg is fertilised by the sperm in the lab dish. In this case more than one embryo is formed and thus the chances of pregnancy are decent.

Natural and MInimally invasive IVF techniques

The procedure of egg, sperm extraction and fertilisation remains the same but instead of taking multiple eggs and producing multiple embryos, all the focus is on getting one/few ‘healthy foolproof eggs’. Also the important point here is that the oral medication used for egg stimulation are very minimal. The egg will be extracted during the female’s natural menstrual cycle.

IntraCytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

In this technique, one single healthy sperm is taken and directly injected into the cytoplasm of the female egg. This ensures higher chances of fertility in cases where sperm potency is low.
In Vitro maturation
In this procedure, female eggs that are still maturing or on the brink of maturing are collected. Their maturation process is completed outside of the body, instead of extracting an egg that has matured in the body.
Assisted hatching
After 5 – 6 days of fertilisation, usually an embryo forms and hatches (breaks from the surrounding membrane). At this stage the embryo is fit to fuse with the uterus. In cases where this could not occur, a hole is manually made into the embryo to ‘assist’ the hatching.

If you are someone looking into IVF treatments in Kolkata, or would like more information, do not waste any more time and book a consultation with our experts. Book now.