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Infertility Evaluation
Infertility Evaluation
Fertility Surgery

Male Infertility implies the inability of men to produce good quality and quantity sperm. Inadequate and unhealthy sperm cannot fertilize the female eggs and, as a result, hinders pregnancy.
Several reasons cater to Infertility in males. These include:
- Movement of the sperm: Low motility rate in the sperm hinders sperm movement, and as a result, it cannot swim up to the fallopian tubes where it meets the oocytes (or female eggs).
- Sperm Morphology: Poor shape and structure also weaken the ability of the sperm.
- Genetic disorder: Sperm production, count and concentration of the semen is affected if a person has chromosomal or genetically inherited conditions.
- Varicoceles: The veins of the testicles abnormally bulge out in this condition. Therefore, it results in low production of the sperm and degrades the quality of the sperm.
- Blockage in the Vas Deferens: A condition where a natural obstruction is present in the male tubes that carry the sperm from the testis before ejaculation.
- Retrograde Ejaculation: A condition where an individual is unable to ejaculate in forward direction rather it goes backward and get poured into urinary bladder.
- Other causes include health issues, hormonal imbalance, emotional and psychological burden.
- Medications:
- Several drugs are now available to control the hormonal imbalance in males. Erectile dysfunction, as well as premature ejaculation, can also be regulated under the effect of medicines.
- Drugs:
- Drugs also help in cases where inflammation or infection is found in the reproductive tract.
- Surgery:
- If the infertility is caused due to vasectomy or varicoceles, you can opt for a minor surgery that could help you retrieve your sperm count and successful ejaculation.
- ART:
- In Assisted Reproductive Technology, sperms are either extracted via normal ejaculation or surgically to fertilize with the female egg cells. IVF and ICSI are also standard practices performed to treat male Infertility and establish successful conception.