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Role of Male Fertility in IVF: What Men Need to Know

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In-vitro fertilization (IVF) has opened doors to the happiness of parenthood for millions of parents. There are several reasons why natural ways of pregnancy may be challenging for some parents like less sperm or egg counts, health complications in the childbearer, homosexual couples, or a single parent. The success rate of IVF is around 40% but the situation highly depends on various factors considered during the treatment.

The male plays an equally crucial role in in-vitro fertilization as the mother. Since the first visit to the doctor until the implantation of the embryo, the male partner has an important role to play. If you are new to the concept of IVF and planning to try this alternative pregnancy procedure, you must have a 360-degree knowledge about the same.

How are men crucial in IVF?

There may be several misconceptions that an IVF is highly concerned with the childbearer and not the male partner. However, as said, it is a misconception. Since pregnancy calls for an equal participation of men and women, IVF is not an exception to this. Let’s understand how men play a vital role in in-vitro fertilization treatment:

Decision-making:The first step

The very first step of pregnancy is the consent and will of the parents involved. As a couple, it is very important for both the partners to fall on the same ground where they decide to try the alternative treatment for pregnancy like IVF.

Sperm donation

Another most vital step is sperm donation. The male partner may provide the sperm sample either through natural ejaculation or it may be retrieved surgically if there is a problem. The sperm sample goes through various stages before it is finalized for the process.

Medical testing

Men has to undergo several medical testing that ensures they and their sperms are healthy enough for this process. The sperm count, its motility, and morphology are all tested through the sperm sample before moving further in the step. Since IVF is a sensitive treatment and may not offer 100% results, each and every step is crucial.

Genetic testing

The male partner also has to undergo genetic testing. It is a test done to make sure the male partner has no genetic abnormalities that may affect the growth and life of the baby. If found so, it is recommended to terminate the process. The male partner may be suggested to seek medical advice if the abnormalities can be cured in order to see further scope in the process.

Sperm freezing

In some cases, the sperm has to be frozen until the IVF treatment with the female begins. It may be due to a number of reasons including medical factors or in case of a sperm donor.

Emotional support

Usually, parents who find natural pregnancy methods challenging, go for IVF. So, there is mental stress along with emotional turbulence going on. In such times, having a partner besides can be a huge support. For couples, there can be no better support than their partner. Even though the process continues with the female after a point, mental support is required from both partners throughout the process.

The need for IVF

The in-vitro fertilization treatment may be suggested by your doctor in various cases. Both male and female partners may have health challenges why IVF may be recommended. Following may be the conditions where your doctor may suggest IVF:

In women

In-vitro fertilization may be recommended when there are certain challenges with the female partner. These include:

In men

The conditions related to men why IVF may be recommended include:


In-vitro fertilization is a boon for parents seeking pregnancy through alternative methods. The participation of men and women are absolutely essential throughout this process. From donation of sperm to medical screenings and accompanying the partner throughout the journey, men plays a crucial role in IVF. To know about the success rate of IVF in your case, it is best to seek medical advice as the rate of success may differ from one parent to another.

Dr. Biplab Deb is one of the best fertility specialists in Kolkata who can guide you through male fertility treatment in Kolkata.