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Infertility Evaluation



Fertility Surgery


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What is Laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy is an advanced surgical process undertaken to determine the cause of infertility. In this procedure, a tiny telescopic instrument called a laparoscope bearing a small camera and light is penetrated inside your body. The process is carried out to check on the functionality of your lower abdomen, especially your pelvic cavity.

Laparoscopy Treatment: How It's Performed

Here are some quick pointers on Laparoscopy to keep in mind:

What is Laparoscopic Surgery?

Laparoscopic Surgery involves examining and alternating the errs that are found in the pelvic cavity. This is done by passing minor surgical instruments through another small incision. For example, if there is pathology detected in the reproductive organ/s, they could be removed through Laparoscopic Surgery.

Common Issues Diagnosed with Laparoscopy Treatment

Laparoscopy is used to detect the following suspected cases of infertility:
Medical Conditions Treated Through Laparoscopy Surgery
Who Can Benefit from Laparoscopy Surgery? - Dr. Biplab Deb's Recommendations
Some of the benefits of opting for laparoscopic Surgery are given below:
How should you prepare for a laparoscopy or laparoscopic surgery? - Advised by Dr. Biplab Deb
Videos By Dr. Biplab Deb


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