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IVF and PCOS – what do women need to know?

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PCOS or PolyCystic Ovarian Disorder is the most common condition affecting and interfering with the majority of women populations nowadays. A lot of women who opt for IVF treatments are those who cannot get pregnant traditionally due to factors like age, poor uterine health, low male sperm count and more. Out of these factors PCOS is a common reason. Many women have the same question. “I have PCOS, will I still be able to get pregnant with IVF?”, well read along to see how we and our IVF doctors in Kolkata bridge the gap between PCOS, IVF and a successful pregnancy.

What is IVF and it’s procedure

Simply put, IVF or InVitro Fertilization is where the egg and sperm fertilisation occurs outside the human body. The embryo is also formed outside the body and this embryo will be transferred into the uterus of the female carrier. The points to note here, that define the success of IVF and those that link with female reproductive health are,
Let us see what is PCOS and which factors need discussion from an IVF point of view

Step-by-step guide on what happens in PCOS

The key points here that affect the IVF are
Does that mean IVF cannot work in PCOS conditions? No. There are separate IVF protocols for women with PCOS

How to prepare for IVF if you have PCOS

Changes in IVF treatment for PCOS patients

Well, that being said, if you are someone with PCOS and are worried about pregnancy, worry no more. With our expert IVF doctors in Kolkata, your chances of starting a family just go higher. Irrespective of your conditions. Book a consultation now!